Sunday, 6 September 2009

  • Great selection of sample speeches to use.
  • Write a fantastic speech from scratch.
  • Deliver your speech with total confidence.
  • Look good on your big day.
  • Avoid any chance of embarrassment!

Many grooms speeches are unfortunately the low point of the wedding reception. The guests become bored to tears by the poor groom waffling and stumbling, and soon resort to shuffling in their seats and whispering to each other.

The unfortunate groom runs quickly and nervously through a succession of well heard cliches, followed by a lame attempt at humor which is received by an awkward silence from the guests.

This results in a truly forgettable speech, or it would be except for the fact that the grooms speech will be recorded for posterity on multiple video recorders, digital cameras and mobile phones.

So if your groom's speech bombs you can expect it to come back and haunt you for many years to come. You may want to forget about the speech, but many of your guests will not want to let you! It could even end up on You Tube!

Fear not though, it doesn't have to be like that.

You need to realize your limitations; you probably don't have any experience in writing and delivering a grooms speech, in addition the run up to the wedding can be chaotic to say the least, and you have very little time to prepare an award winning speech. You need help!

One way to can get the help you need to write and deliver an outstanding grooms wedding speech is to consider using groom speech templates to form the basis of your speech. There are free ones available on the internet, but these are often of poor quality and your guests will have probably heard a mediocre version of them before.

As with most things in life you get what you pay for, and it is far better to consider templates that are written by professional writers and speech makers. You just have to fill in the gaps and make some minor adjustments to personalize the speech to suit your circumstances. If you wanted to you could even mix and match sections from various templates.

This is the best of all worlds. You get a proven high quality speech written by a professional writer and speech maker, personalized to suit your circumstances. Your guests are treated to a better than average experience and you gain the respect and admiration of your new bride and in-laws. Not only that but you won't live in fear of your wedding video being shown!

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